Mariia Onishchenko @Marichka · 2 hours ago
"I asked my computer for a good joke, and it replied, 'Why did thecomputer catch a cold? Because it had too many windows open!' 🖥️🤧 #TechHumor #JokeOfTheDay"
Mariia Onishchenko @Marichka · 2 hours ago
"I asked my computer for a good joke, and it replied, 'Why did thecomputer catch a cold? Because it had too many windows open!' 🖥️🤧 #TechHumor #JokeOfTheDay"
Mariia Onishchenko @Marichka · 2 hours ago
"I asked my computer for a good joke, and it replied, 'Why did thecomputer catch a cold? Because it had too many windows open!' 🖥️🤧 #TechHumor #JokeOfTheDay"